Statewide Advocacy

OSA lobbies the state legislature and is invited to participate in various policy development processes, workgroup and taskforce meetings, and state agency processes because decision-makers respect and desire student input in the legislative process.

Through developing strong relationships with decision-makers, higher education advocates, coalition partners, and legislators, OSA engages in both developing student-centered policy and advocating for higher education investments in the State Capitol.

Our Work

Policy Advocacy

From tuition equity to textbook affordability, OSA works on legislation to address to most pressing student issues in Oregon today. Our policy advocacy empowers and centers student voices by selecting legislative priorities through a student-run, democratic issue-choosing process. OSA’s legislative arm dedicates a full-time staff position to advocate and lobby for student priorities.

Budget Advocacy

Oregon’s state budget has direct impacts on the affordability of higher education. State funding for colleges and universities is a key factor that administrators consider when they are setting tuition levels. Our budget advocacy prioritizes strong state investments in college and university institutional support funds and need-based financial aid programs.

2024 Legislative Session

The Oregon State Legislature will convene on February 5th for the 2024 Short Legislative Session. At just 35 days long, short sessions are designed to handle unfinished business, emergency requests, and to rebalance state budgets. This legislative period presents an invaluable opportunity for students to actively participate in shaping policymaking and the future of Oregon's higher education system for the better.