Statement: Oregon State Legislature Fails to Pass HB 4162: Student Emergency Needs Package

We are disappointed to share that HB 4162: The Student Emergency Needs Package did not move forward during the 2024 Legislative Session. While we always understood this was a potential outcome with the high-speed and limited nature of the short session, we are heartbroken and confused by the Oregon State Legislature’s failure to make this emergency investment in student basic needs and textbook affordability.

College and university students in Oregon are struggling deeply with housing instability, food insecurity, and challenges affording and accessing textbooks, transportation, childcare, and other basic needs. HB 4162: The Student Emergency Needs Package would have worked to address this crisis for college and university students in Oregon, and we mourn deeply for the impact that this loss leaves for our campus communities.

With the Governor and the Oregon State Legislatures’s rightful fixation on addressing the housing and behavioral health crisis in Oregon, we are bewildered that our leaders continue to be seemingly oblivious to the way that higher education investments support the development of a skilled workforce that will undoubtedly be at the forefront of developing effective strategies for tackling housing and behavioral health challenges in our State.

Addressing students' basic needs and college affordability directly correlates with improved mental health, increased retention rates, and overall academic success for students. The failure to pass HB 4162: The Student Emergency Needs Package deprives students of essential resources and support systems that are crucial for their success. We know that the impact of students not completing their education extends beyond the individual, and can have significant economic consequences and contributes to a skills gap in the future workforce.

While this is a hard loss, we are so incredibly proud of the work that has been accomplished this legislative session. Our successes this session are thanks to the leadership and dedication of many students, faculty, staff, post-secondary education institutions, community-based organizations, and higher education advocates. Together, we made it possible for hundreds of students to visit the State Capitol, thousands of community members to send emails and letters of support, and created ample opportunities to connect with legislators over the importance of the holistic support of our students.

Our fight is definitely not over. Our work this session has undoubtedly sparked important conversations and increased understanding, built broader coalitions and networks of supporters, and has empowered student advocates to continue fighting for meaningful change. As we look towards the 2025 Legislative Session, we are better positioned than ever to advocate for policies that prioritize the well-being and success of students in Oregon.

In the meantime, we encourage students and our supporters to take some time to process, breathe and rest, just as we will. It’s okay to be upset and disappointed, but we cannot be discouraged. We don’t always win, so our persistence is critical to making progress towards a future where a quality, equitable, debt-free higher education is affordable and accessible for ALL Oregonians. More information will come soon about what is next for our advocacy, as we evaluate and refine our strategies, and learn from what we’ve accomplished so far.

Thank you again to everyone who supported HB 4162: The Student Emergency Needs Package. Onward and upward to 2025!


2024 End of Session Report


ASUO plans on-campus food pantry to address food insecurity